
One of out of home advertising’s great strengths has always been its ability to be highly contextually relevant, (or in English – its ability to deliver an advertising message to consumers when and where they may actually need the product). Out of home really began to hit its stride with the development of interstate highways as travelers needed to find hotels, restaurants, etc., and that ability hasn’t been diminished by the development of other media platforms.


Hush Puppies turned to out of home media to help rebrand, to raise brand awareness near retail locations in New York City, and to deliver the right message at the right time and place. Media was strategically selected to target primarily pedestrian traffic in close proximity to specific retail locations that featured the brand.


Delivering an ad for warm, comfy shoes to footsore New Yorkers trudging through snow and slush and the #polarvortex made for highly relevant contextual advertising.


A variety of street level media—including transit shelters, phone kiosks, and newsstands were used for their ability to reach pedestrians and to target the geographic store locations.


Contact us to learn more about home out of home media can put your message directly in front of your audience at just the right time, and in just the right place.
