
QR Codes – they’re popping up all over the out of home landscape, and with good reason – they’re a great way for advertisers to create a connection with consumers, and deliver additional information.

But what are they? A QR Code is a special type of bar code that can be scanned by a Smartphone’s camera to initiate an activity or a transfer of information. QR Codes can take the viewer to a website, deliver a coupon, link to a Twitter feed, or deliver other information about your product or service right on their phone.



The out of home advertising environment is particularly well suited to employ them as consumers typically have their phones with them —if not already in their hand— when they are away from their home. Use OOH media to open the door, and then use a QR code to take consumers through to the next level of engagement.


Cox Communications used QR codes combined with another cutting edge OOH technique: Mobile Projection.

By using projection media they were able to place their advertising at key points to best reach their target audience. The novelty and surprise factor of the media captured people’s attention, and the QR Code allowed them to deliver additional information by connecting consumers to a dedicated website.



Contact us to learn more about how to keep your brand on the cutting edge of OOH engagement!