What do you always take with you?

Walk out your door and venture into the World: what media are you carrying with you? In the form of traditional media, certainly not your TV – way too bulky and heavy, too ridiculous to even consider. Have a radio with you? Quite possibly if you are in a car … but is it commercial free, or are you streaming music, satellite radio or your favorite podcast from your phone as more and more people do?  Are you carrying paper —a physical magazine or a newspaper?  Perhaps, but if so, your kind is becoming more rare.

The one media that you are almost certain to have with you as you leave your home is your cell phone. To an OOH specialist, you and your favorite little glowing rectangle are always out and about in our OOH network —70% of the time according to OAAA.org. This is the conversation that OOH professionals are looking to have with agencies and advertisers focused on mobile / digital campaigns.

There is a very real upside for brands that take the time to consider the opportunities offered by the media forms situated around people with their phones, and OOH is possibly THE prime candidate for this mobile interaction.  A Criteo Mobile Report from a few years back showed that 68% of mobile use is done “on the go”, and it’s safe to assume that the figure has grown since then. Out of Home, as the name implies, fits directly into this 68% scenario of people’s mobile phone time spent outside of their homes.

A Powerful Trio:

Consider this powerful combination of 3:
• people spend 70% of their time outside the home
• nearly 70% of mobile usage is done outside the home
• 79% of US consumers now own smartphones (ComScore 2016)

Do you see the opportunity here as a continually-growing quantity of people are active with their phones in the out of home network?  The scenario is ripe with creative possibilities bringing mobile and OOH together out in the real world. Whether it’s driving more people to your online assets via OOH’s influence, or serving a consumer’s phone just the right message at just the right contextually-relevant time via an OOH asset, the interaction between the 2 media channels overlapping in very pregnant Venn-diagram-fashion is obvious to us.

A few of the opportunities:

As people are traveling through our OOH world, what is it that they are doing with their phones? As we all know, social media is a big part of the mix.  OOH can increase social interaction KPIs and help brands amplify their voice, reminding and asking people to interact with pages.  As a matter of fact, adding OOH into the mix can boost reach of social media campaigns by 212% (MBI USA Touchpoints).

It has also been shown that consumers are 48% more likely to click on a mobile ad after being exposed to the brand on OOH (NeuroInsight: Beyond OOH, 2015). So out of home, in symbiotic fashion, gives back and supports its partner advertising channels like mobile.

And then the support continues: once away from the OOH structures that prompt a mobile interaction, your user’s phone can receive relevant messaging when they are very close to your store, or even in a competitor’s location —all provided by that initial OOH / mobile interaction.  These strategies can also be applied to campaigns outside of the retail world.  Virtually all advertising and messaging strategies that are using mobile could benefit from considering what OOH would bring to the mix.

Just don’t call it “MOOH”:

What can you do to create this synergy between the mobile and the OOH network? If you are a digital shop or advertiser we’d love to pick your brain about the subject. We’re checking out your strategies and goals surrounding mobile and see some real synergies worth exploring where our two media worlds overlap, offering advertisers even better and more-integrated solutions.

Contact us for more information: