In case you hadn’t noticed the real estate market took a bit of a downturn recently. Well, when times are tough it’s the companies that are willing to look for new solutions to old problems that will weather the storm. That’s just what John Laing Homes did to promote Windemere, their new luxury planned community in southern California.


Instead of cutting back on their marketing in a slow economy, Windemere decided to be strategically proactive by advertising via a Scooter Team that they would literally drive to potental buyers in target communities and places where discretionary income was still going from pocket to cash register: upscale shopping centers and popular restaurant areas, as well as crowded events (like the Hayward Zucchini festival thank you very much!)



This campaign is also interesting as it combined out of home media with a Text Messaging component which allowed consumers to immediately get more information, and Windemere to establish direct contact and communication with interested buyers.


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