With the holiday travel rush underway, publisher Vintage Books has tapped EMC for a strategy to put the immensely popular Stieg Larsson “Girl” series in front of last minute gift shoppers.

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Stuck in the airport, on the way to visit the family for the holidays when you realize you forgot to get something for Cousin Larry? — never fear! There’s always a newstand/bookseller nearby stocked with a mega-bestseller that you can grab by the time the rest of your party makes it through security.

airport advertising

With strategic out of home placement in airports across the country, Vintage had their message placed in front of millions of holiday travelers in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

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This campaign is a great case of being in the right place at the right time. At EMC we specialize in getting you there — without all the security lines, flight delays and crying babies. Contact us to learn more.