Direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands are known for making waves—taking what has been done by the long-standing players in the market and completely turning it on its head. Their fresh perspective allows them to break into their industry in bold ways. They start by taking a new approach to a product, process or service, and continue by innovating marketing strategies and advertising media. They understand their audience differently and can find and capitalize on new ways to reach them.

Like other DTC brands, Minted has proven to be an out of home “super user.” With their origins online and in digital, these companies don’t typically have a physical store location and OOH allows them to maintain a very visible presence in the market. According to a study from Rapport, OOH boosts brand fame by 32% and the effectiveness of search by 54%. By placing value in integrating traditional and digital media, DTC brands can gain massive awareness and site traffic.

EMC Outdoor - Minted campaign - transit station

Our strategy for Minted was to maximize the budget to deliver the biggest coverage and reach for a holiday campaign. We were tapped to identify the best markets that would allow us to target the brand’s specific target audience. We did so by comparing the size of the available audiences in markets with the types of media and rates we could secure. In the end, we selected four of the top markets around the country—New York City, San Francisco, Boston and Chicago—that would prove to be the most effective markets available.

EMC Outdoor - Minted campaign - info panel

We then identified media placements that would capitalize on that reach. We knew their target audience consisted of women within a specific age and income range. We took that demographic data and aligned it with commute patterns and travel behaviors to build a complete profile of who the audience was and what they were doing. The resulting custom network packages precisely delivered on the desired quantity and quality of impressions to reach holiday shoppers.

EMC Outdoor - Minted campaign - transit shelter

Minted asked for media options that would give their campaign the highest quantity of placements that would also deliver the highest impressions. We carefully crafted a network of transit shelters, station posters and city information panels.

A critical component of Minted’s media buy was that it needed to accommodate creativity flexibility. They wanted to use multiple creatives in line-of-sight or consecutive spots within a loop, and make mid-campaign changes to artwork. EMC selected digital placements for nearly 80% of the media, which delivered on this need for precise and easy deployment.

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Optimization of digital placements, combined with audience targeting, was an important tactic for Minted and reflects typical DTC brand requirements. Direct to consumer brands need to be quick-to-market and effective, and their media must, too. Out of home offers a perfect pairing of reach and creative capabilities making it perfect for promoting the next breakout brand.

Reaching new customers is our bread and butter–contact us below and let us show you how!