The college enrollment period was in full swing and Nossi College of Art wanted to increase the number of applicants among local high school students and potential transfer students throughout Nashville, TN. Our strategy was to implement an integrated campaign of out-of-home and digital media to reach this target audience and keep Nossi College of Art at the forefront of their minds throughout the enrollment process.


Heat map showing target audience impressions from geofenced out-of-home media.

Why out-of-home media over other forms of advertising? And what do digital ads have to do with out-of-home? We’re glad you asked!

Name recognition is often a key driver of the number of college applications and out-of-home just-so-happens to be one of the most effective ways to increase name recognition among consumers. Add digital in the mix and now we’re talkin’! Studies show that people are 48% more likely to click on a mobile ad after being exposed to an out-of-home ad for the brand.


Our integrated strategy allowed us to deliver ads to the right people, in the right place, at the right time. Billboards and posters were strategically placed throughout Nashville with unique creative and messaging intended to attract prospective art students. These geofenced out-of-home media locations delivered mobile ads to smartphones users in close proximity who fit the behavioral and demographic profile of the target audience.

The results?

Our four week campaign received 1,296,546 digital impressions and 4,763 clicks. Our strategy allowed Nossi College of Art to be seen across multiple platforms which not only increased brand awareness but ensured consistent messaging which leads to higher resonance and recall among consumers.


Ask us how we can help you integrate out-of-home and digital media to amplify the reach and effectiveness of your campaign!